Monday, October 8, 2007

THE WILL BIBLE (Genesis to Iesous)

The first six books of the Holy Bible are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Iesous popularly known as Joshua. Genesis reveals the origin of everything including man and the creator is God. Man created Adam the first man and Eua and they procreated. Adam is the first generation; Noe, 10th, very well known for the great flood; Abraham, 20th. God promised to Abraham a great nation, a land flowing with milk and honey, and that all nations will be blessed. Abraham begot Isaak who begot Esau and Jacob later named Israel from whom the 12 tribes of Israel came.

In Exodus, the first promise of God to Abraham was proved - a great nation shown when the Israelites left Egypt. They numbered more than 600 thousand excluding those aged below 20 years, those aged above 50 years, and all women who are many more than those aged 20 years and above but below 50 male Israelites. Mouses led them out of Egypt into Canaan - the promised land.

Leviticus consists of the other commandments of God as the ten commandments are first given in the book of Exodus. Numbers mostly deals with the numbers of the Israelites, etc.

Deuteronomy is mostly a repetition of the commandments of God and reminders. The author of Deuteronomy is believed to be Mouses but this is controversial.

Iesous or Joshua took the place of Mouses and it is Iesous who completed the distribution of the inheritance of the Israelites in the land Canaan. It is Iesous or Joshua who wrote Deuteronomy.

I am now encoding Deuteronomy (all the other 5 books are finished and published already except Numbers). God willing, THE WILL BIBLE (Genesis to Iesous) shall soon be published.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

IESOUS aka JOSHUA (Servant of God) Published

I have just published a pocketbook - IESOUS aka JOSHUA (Servant of God). It is Joshua who wrote Deuteronomy. Joshua was the attendant of Mouses. God did not allow Mouses to enter the promised land for he sinned when he struck the Rock to give water to the Israelites in the wilderness. God appointed Joshua to lead the Israelites after Mouses died. They crossed the Jordan River on dry land as they did on the Red Sea. This book shows how the Israelites fought and took the promised land. The inheritance of the twelve tribes of Israel by lots are specified with their corresponding boundaries. It is in this book where the sun stood still for the whole day as requested by Joshua to further prove that God is with him.

This book and others especially the translations of the Holy Bible from Greek to English are shown at

May God bless you. SEN

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Perfect Partners

I have published the perfect partners in the study of the Word of God to understand the Holy Bible and do the will of God. These three (3) books can guide people very well in the search of the truth.

GREEK-ENGLISH (Grammar & Vocabulary) THE WILL  New Testament (Greek to English) WORDS in THE WILL New Testament

There are other books relevant to salvation at

Iesous a.k.a. Joshua (Servant of God)

I was encoding Numbers but I had to go to the province and I was not here for 12 days. I arrived May 10 and got back to the computer and internet. Unfortunately after 5 days my monitor blacked out and the problem was my Windows XP Pro. The computer went back online May 24 pm but all records were deleted. The hard disk was like formatted and so ... headaches.

While I was on vacation, I was able to translate Deuteronomy. And during the time when the computer was down, I was able to translate the book of Joshua. In the Septuagint, it appears that the name Joshua is Iesous. He was the servant of God after Mouses who led the Israelites to the promised land as God did not allow Mouses to enter therein because he with Aaron sinned.

It also appears that Iesous wrote Deuteronomy. As the book is shorter and easier to publish than GENESIS TO DEUTERONOMY, I intend to encode and check it then publish IESOUS a.k.a. JOSHUA (Servant of God) as soon as possible.