Patriarchal Age
Adam and Eua begot Abel and Kain; Kain however killed Abel. When Adam was 230 years old he begot Seth and other sons and daughters. (Genesis 5:4) Enoch the 7th generation disappeared and was believed to be taken by God when he was 365 years old. Mathousala, 8th generation, died when he was 969 years old - the oldest man on record. Noe, 10th generation, was born 1,642 years from Adam. He was 600 years old when the flood occurred. He had three sons - Sem, Iaphet, and Cham from where people were dispersed on the whole earth. (Genesis 9:19) The flood occurred 2,242 years from Adam.
Abraam, the 21st generation, was born 3,312 years from Adam. When he was 75 years old, God promised to him three things - a great nation fulfilled in Israel (Iakob), a land flowing with milk and honey fulfilled by the distribution of the land of Canaan (Palestine) by Mouses and Iesous (Joshua) to Israel, and the blessing of all nations of the earth fulfilled by sending His Son Iesous the Christ. (Genesis 22:17-18; etc.)
The Patriarchal Age starts from Adam up to the Ten Commandments. The Mosaichal Age starts from Mouses up to the Lord Iesous Christ.
The number of years from Adam up to Iakob/Israel is 3,472 years. The trip of Israel to Egypt is 3,602 years from Adam while the trip of Israel out of Egypt is 4,032 from Adam. Numbers are taken from the Septuagint or the Greek Old Testament (LXX). The following are the numbers of years of life of the Patriarchs and the numbers of years when they begot the next generation. The numbers do not coincide with the numbers in practically all of the versions of the Holy Bible circulating worldwide which also omit one generation - that of the 13th generation - Kainan (Loukas 3:36).
1st - Adam (930 - Gen. 5:5/230 - Gen. 5:3); 2nd - Seth (912 - Gen. 5:8/205 - Gen. 5:6); 3rd - Enos (905 - Gen. 5:11/190 - Gen. 5:9); 4th - Kainan (910 - Gen. 5:4/170 - Gen. 5:12); 5th - Maleleel (895 - Gen. 5:17/165 - Gen. 5:15); 6th - Iared (962 - Gen. 5:20/162 - Gen. 5:18);
7th - Enoch (365 - Gen. 5:23/165 - Gen. 5:21); 8th - Mathousala (969 - Gen. 5:27/167 - Gen. 5:25); 9th - Lamech (753 - Gen. 5:31/188 - Gen. 5:28);
10th - Noe (950 - Gen. 9:29/500 - Gen. 5:32); 11th - Sem (600 - Gen. 11:10-11/100 - Gen. 11:10); 12th - Arphaxad (565 - Gen. 11:13/135 - Gen. 11:12);
13th - Kainan - in Septuagint but none in the OT versions, also found in Loukas 3:13 (460 - Gen. 10:24/130 - Gen. 11:13); 14th - Sala (460 - Gen. 11:14-15/130 - Gen. 11:14);
15th - Eber (504 - Gen. 11:17/134 - Gen. 11:16); 16th - Phalek (339 - Gen. 11:18-19/130 - Gen. 11:18); 17th - Rhagau (339 - Gen. 11:20-21/132 - Gen. 11:20); 18th - Serouch (330 - Gen. 11:22-23/130 - Gen. 11:22); 19th - Nachor (208 - Gen. 11:24-25/79 - Gen. 11:24); 20th - Thara (275 - Gen. 11:26, 32/70 - Gen. 11:26);
21st - Abram (175 - Gen. 25:7/100 - Gen. 21:5); 22nd - Isaak (180 - Gen. 35:28/60 - Gen. 25:26); 23rd - Iakob/Israel (147 - Gen. 47:28);
24th - Ioudas + Thamar (Gen. 38:36); 25th - Phares (Gen. 38:29, Maththaios 1:3);
NT Maththaios 1: 3-16; 26th - Hesrom; 27th - Aram; 28th - Aminadab; 29th - Naason; 30th - Salmon; 31st - Boes; 32nd - Iobed; 33rd - Iessai;
34th - Dauid; 35th - Solomon; 36th - Rhoboam; 37th - Abia; 38th - Asaph; 39th - Iosaphat; 40th - Ioram; 41st - Ozias; 42nd - Ioatham; 43rd - Achaz; 44th - Hezekias; 45th - Manasses; 46th - Amos; 47th - Iosias; 48th - Iechonias;
49th - Salathiel; 50th - Zorobabel; 51st - Abioud; 52nd - Eliakim; 53rd - Azor; 54th - Sadok; 55th - Achim; 56th -Elioud; 57th - Eleazar; 58th - Matthan; 59th - Iakob; 60th - Ioseph the man of Mariam;
61st - IESOUS called CHRIST (76th according to the lineage of Mariam.
We will discuss the Mosaichal Age next. Just ask questions on matters not clear to you. We have limited time and space here. Good enough if we can clarify what seems to be dubious to you. I don't have the necessary gadgets that I can't conduct online studies.
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