Mosaichal Age
The Mosaichal Age starts from Mouses up to the Lord Iesous Christ. Take note that Mouses is not in the lineage of the Lord Iesous Christ. Mouses came from Leui, the third son of Israel. The Christ came from Ioudas, the fourth son of Israel. Israel is the 23rd generation that Leui and Ioudas are next. Next to Leui is Kaath who begot Amran who is the father of Aaron, Mouses, and Mariam.
The Israelites went out of Egypt about 4,032 years from Adam. When they came into the wilderness of Sin, Mouses went up into the mountain of God and God said:
"Thou shall say these things to the house of Iakob and thou shall announce to the sons of Israel: 'You yourselves have seen whatsoever I have done to the Egyptians, and I took you up as on the wings of an eagle and I have led you forth to Myself. And now if hearing you shall hear My voice and guard the covenant of Me, you shall be a people to Me, a possession from all of the nations for the whole earth is Mine; and you yourselves shall be a kingdom of priesthood to Me and a holy nation.' ..." (Exodus 19:3-6)
"And the Lord spoke all these words saying:
'I Myself am the Lord the God of thee who led thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of slavery. There shall not be other gods to thee except Me.
Thou shall not make an idol for thyself nor any likeness, whatsoever in the heaven above and whatsoever in the earth under and whatsoever in the waters underneath the earth. Thou shall not worship them nor thou shall at all religiously serve to them for I Myself am the Lord the God of thee, a jealous God giving back sin of the fathers on the children until the third and fourth generations to the ones who hate Me and doing mercy into thousands to the ones who love Me and to the ones who guard the ordinances of Me.
Thou shall not take the name of the Lord the God of thee on worthless things for the Lord shall not at all cleanse the man who takes the name of Him on worthless things.
Remember the day of the Sabbaths to make it holy. Work six days and thou shall do the work of thee; and on the seventh day Sabbath to the Lord the God of thee; thou shall not do in it any work, thou and the son of thee and the daughter of thee, the servant of thee and the maidservant of thee, the ox of thee and the donkey of thee and any cattle of thee and the proselyte the sojourner in thee. For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the things in them and he rested on the seventh day; on account of this the Lord eulogized the seventh day and made it holy.
Honor the father of thee and the mother in order that it becomes well to thee, and in order to that thou shall live long time in the good land which the Lord the God of thee shall give to thee.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
Thou shall not steal.
Thou shall not kill.
Thou shall not bear false witness against the neighbor of thee to be a false witness.
Thou shall not desire the woman of the neighbor of thee; thou shall not desire the house of the neighbor of thee nor the field of him nor the servant of him nor the maidservant of him nor the ox of him nor the donkey of him nor any cattle of him nor whatsoever is to the neighbor of thee.'" (Exodus 20:1-17)
There are more than 600 other ordinances, statutes, and justifications of God BUT these are for the Israelites only.
God commanded Mouses to build the Tent of the Witness with the altar where "Aaron shall make atonement on it on the horns of it once of the year; he shall cleanse it from the blood of the cleansing of the sins of the atonement once of the year into the generations of them; it is holy of the holies to the Lord." (Exodus 30:10)
What the Israelites were doing is a shadow of the one coming - the Christian. Era.
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